My Priorities

Diversified To Reach Many

Tell the Truth

I love freedom, the freedom that empowers me to do what I ought. But there is no freedom without truth. So, I make truth, and its telling, something for which I search for regularly, especially in days when attempts are made to disregard the truth and place freedom in jeopardy. The Bible is my starting point for truth and freedom. Its manifold wisdom makes untold contributions to a life well lived and ultimately points to Christ Jesus that in everything He might be preeminent and in whom the ultimate freedom of sins forgiven resides.

Encourage Others

I am not far removed from the sorrows life can bring and even in laughter the heart may sorrow. I am grateful for the encouragements I have gleaned from others that have kept me motivated and inspired. I want to deliver the same to my generation and to my realm of influence. This means I dedicate myself to leaving a person in a better place than I found them by doing what I can to excavate their sense of purpose from under the rubble of life’s challenges.

Create Music

The creativity it takes to produce and deliver music and song is like nothing else I know. It has been my pleasure to deliver the entertaining melodies as the female lead in musical stage plays; express my musical prowess on multiple recording projects; musically respond to the rapt attention of live audiences gathered in pageant settings; and present solo concerts to express the astonishing glories of gospel music. On the wings of music are delivered the poetic essence of nature, life, love, and eternity and a thousand other things.

Health & Wellness

I work with a charitable organization whose mission is funded by a for-profit nutraceutical company they founded that markets proprietary nutritional technology. They compensate promoters for market results but their Buy 1, Nourish 1 strategy creates the ultimate market influence, direct life-saving impact on vulnerable children globally. What drives home this strategy is the efficacious quality they offer the market and what I gladly offer my clientele; best-in-class, leading-edge nutrition that delivers measurable and welcomed results.

Fashion, Style & Color Analysis

I help to illuminate the inner beauty and confidence of women by discovering the unique colors and styles that best suit each individual. I enhance wardrobes but mostly I help women reflect their true worth from the inside out. I guide my clients to their best colors and styles to better reveal the special person they are and the special place they hold in this world. I bring expert oversight and direction to closets everywhere and transform them into fashionable boutiques to best service the woman who desires to reflect her best self.

Beauty & Self-Care

Make-up needs and skin care concerns are very much a part of many ladies’ lives. Though I’ve been exposed to the culture's preoccupation with appearance, trends, and fads, this has only given me cause to hold to the conservative and modest approach guided by discretion and dignity. Therefore, I serve my clientele with a focus on real beauty, and any adornment we add only accents and complements what is already beautiful and elegant about us. The solutions I offer are always with this in mind.


Tammy Reneé Studio

This site is where Tammy Reneé serves her team of subscribing members through her audio podcasts, video messages, and music ministry strategy. Premier Members provide the support that empowers Tammy’s mission and are granted access to the entire body of content Tammy provides on this site.

Unique Podcasts

. . . and other curious audio and video surprises from my studio