A somber topic today on Mission Possible: Truth and Freedom. The word communism has always sent a shiver down my spine … and the last thing I want to do is live under its rule. But things are not looking good.
You don’t have to look for long among news reports to find an item like I ran across some time back. The headline read: “Virginia Mother Who Survived Cultural Revolution Sees Parallels in America.” These kinds of reports provide a reality check for those of us who may be guilty of taking this great country, its Constitution, and its freedoms for granted.
Since history is given to repeating itself, and evil is inclined to raise its ugly head, and especially when these United States are the target of political manipulations it really is no great surprise when such a story finds its way into mainstream journalism.
This story tells about Xi Van Fleet, a parent-turned-activist, who made headlines when she spoke out at a School Board meeting against Critical Race Theory.
During the time that she was a first grader in China the communist political movement that devastated China, called the Cultural Revolution, began its manipulations with the mobilization of Mao’s Red Guards. This lawless group killed people and destroyed property. They specifically attacked what they called the Four Olds, namely “old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits.” This would be anything that was connected to the period before the communist takeover of China. Ms. Van Fleet likens this to what we know as the present-day cancel culture.
Such madness and lawlessness may seem extreme to the average American, but if you have been paying attention this kind of evil dynamic has made its way into many of our large cities and in many cases, nothing has been done to stop it.
The political correctness expectations of the last twenty years has evolved further into even more demands of the accepted way to talk, using the accepted ideas, and to make sure our opinions conform to popular narratives. And if we don’t conform, the most popular go-to is to be labeled a racist. And more times than not such a term is pulled out of thin air to bludgeon some people into submission. For most of the populace, this produces fear, making it easier still to silence any opinions that do not prove acceptable to the powers that be—whoever that is. Ms. Van Fleet said that in China, they just labeled you “counter-revolutionary.” And that produced enough fear to manipulate the masses into conformity. The revolution was the politically correct thing to do, so no one wanted to be seen as a counter-revolutionary.
During the revolution, the Red Guards brought down people of privileged status. Ms. Van Fleet says this is congruent to the Critical Race Theory where white people are considered privileged because of being white. Therefore, such people are automatically oppressive. This is what qualifies CRT a place in the Marxist playbook where its rhetoric is characterized by division and a repackaging of class struggle.
So, what is happening in America is nothing new. But the loyal and the smart must rise up to educate themselves and become the voices and the activists that keep our nation from falling victim to these lies and manipulations. And, time is running out!
I’m Tammy Reneé. And this is Mission Possible: Truth and Freedom
“Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!”
– 1 Corinthians 6:3
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
– Galatians 5:1
Announcer: Freedom will prove the ultimate evidence that truth was allowed to have its way. Godspeed.