Hello, Welcome to the Mission Possible: Truth and Freedom Podcast … I’m Tammy Reneé and I’m glad that you are here to listen. Most of you are probably like me and are wondering what is happening to our country.
With America falling from its Christian principles in such obvious and embarrassing ways, Marshal Foster, author of the book The American Covenant, asks the question “Is there time to restore America?” Other pertinent and synonymous questions might also include:
“Can America be rescued from the present post-Christian culture?”
“Can secularization be influenced enough by Christian thought to release America from the clutches of godlessness?”
How exactly we may pose the question, and if we are honest, we know we will need the supernatural intervention of God to salvage what has been lost. We do, we will, we need His mercy.
Others are hopeless enough that the only thing they assume there is room enough for in America is evangelism. You know, just preach the gospel challenging people to repentance and faith, the two main tenets of salvation in Christ Jesus, and then they say … “all we can do is pray.” As noble as that sounds it also seems somewhat incomplete.
The pilgrims themselves came to America initially with the premise to spread the Gospel worldwide. Their evangelism objectives were obvious, but Christianity, the source of their Gospel message, also had application into every single sphere of life. The fact is that evangelism cannot be separated unto itself without realizing that the very faith and principles we preach inside the scope of evangelism has a far-reaching impact on individual lives and culture.
We should not expect anything different as we strategize to evangelize even in an age of secularization and even among those who decide to hate Christian tenets. Christianity is not a club we join; it is a covenant that engages us by the Holy Spirit, who reaches deep into our lives to change us into dedicated subjects who live to please God and God alone.
Marshall Foster points out that in the 1950’s we began to drift into a philosophy that made religion a “personal thing.” Therefore, this implied that we should separate the religious from the non-religious. But then this begs important questions, starting with “Are there really any nonreligious areas of life?”
Is there anything in which we engage that does not demand of us Christian standards that serve to guide every area of engagement? Is there not a relationship we might have that deserves anything less than what the Bible guides us to do with that relationship? Is there not a business endeavor that would be that much better off if we applied principles that found its source in Christian thought?” Are there not political stances we take of which demands are made upon us to assure those stances are principled and backed by Scriptural patterns?
The point is our Christianity will not allow us to wiggle free of any responsibility in any area of life. So, no, we cannot conveniently separate the religious from the non-religious. Our Christianity goes everywhere we go, or better said, we go everywhere our Christianity goes as it serves to light the path we travel, no matter what that path is.
All our pursuits on this planet, whether secular or religious, will be empowered by godly guidance and it cannot be any other way, that is, if this covenant we have with God, initiated by the shed blood of His Son, is to maintain the redemptive value that serves as the foundation of our faith.
So, yes, evangelize; a thousand times yes. But one of the undeniable overflows of evangelism in the Bible is contained in the concept to “disciple the nations.” These three words drive an important point home. Christianity is a far-reaching covenant dynamic. It not only provides prudence and guidance for individuals, but it points entire cultures and nations to the wisdom and the person of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. It is by Him and through His ways and wisdom that America can be restored. May God grant us the repentance we need to turn away from anything ungodly and turn back to His ways.
I’m Tammy Reneé. And this is Mission Possible: Truth and Freedom
“Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!”
– 1 Corinthians 6:3
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
– Galatians 5:1
Announcer: Freedom will prove the ultimate evidence that truth was allowed to have its way. . . Godspeed.