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Hello … Tammy Reneé here.  I’m so glad you’ve joined me for this week’s podcast!  Our mission is not impossible … but definitely possible … 

Do any of you remember the original TV show Mission: Impossible, which aired starting in the mid-60’s? I remember seeing reruns.  That original TV show eventually evolved into the seven Mission: Impossible movies from 1996 with releases scheduled for 2023 and 24. Did you notice the Mission Impossible theme and concept are what I used to build the opening of this particular podcast? 

At the beginning of each television episode, the point-man of the Impossible Mission Force would rendezvous in clandestine fashion with a pre-hidden tape recorder of the era. Upon retrieval of that recorder this character, by the name of Jim Phelps, listens to an audio message with information about a top-secret mission that has significant global importance. Accompanying the tape recorder is a package of photos identifying the various people connected to the mission. (Does anybody remember this?)

After a synopsis of the mission by the recorded voice, there is always the comment “Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it is . . .” At that point the authoritative voice on the tape recording gives a description of the mission only to be followed by this admonition, “As always should any of your I.M. force be caught or killed the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds.”  At that point a dramatic flare of smoke would engulf the tape recorder, indicating that the tape had indeed self-destructed, destroying any evidence so it wouldn’t get into the wrong hands. A little trivia about how they did this included the fact that a prop man was hidden off-camera just a few feet away from the tape recorder and at the appropriate time would blow cigarette smoke through a long tube that made the recorder appear as if the tape had actually self-destructed. They added a hissing sound effect and some suspenseful musical tones to drive it all home. 

I have added to my podcast mission the focus on Truth and Freedom. It seems a legitimate undertaking in today’s world where both truth and freedom are challenged by a consortium of lies and manipulations, which are further undermined by philosophies and personalities who use political, social, legal, medical, mass media, and educational means to get THEIR mission accomplished. This is why my focus is on the restoration and refocus of what have been the twin flags flown high over this great nation since its inception–and why these United States have lasted as long as they have. I believe this is why efforts must be made toward reestablishing the twin banners of truth and freedom before they are lost altogether.

“Your mission, Tammy, should you choose to accept it, is to initiate a search for the truth.”

Understand that I had to personalize this with my name (since this is one of three podcasts that I produce), but I hope you, too, will personalize this sense of mission and make the search of truth your priority. This does not assume we know everything or that searching for the truth does not entail some hard work; and perhaps a good deal of courage.

“You are to find out whether all that has been told us is so.”

I believe this is common sense. If there are lies traveling unhindered through the breadth and width of this nation, then the first thing we must ask ourselves is exactly what is true and what is not true. This means we may not comply with any narrative just because it is popular or widely accepted, or even delivered by experts or authorities. We must always ask “Is it really so?” That is always a fair question. And open-minded people are okay with it. This is not unlike the Bereans of the book of Acts, Jews who received the Word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. 

“And you must seek to understand the times to know what this generation ought to do now.”

I borrowed this from a verse in First Chronicles 12 where it says that the sons of Issachar had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. I’m sorry to have to say that it seems that many people neither understand the times we are in nor do they certainly intend to do anything about it. Just letting things ride is the easier thing to do. I hope that together we can turn our hearts to the stewardship of understanding what is happening around us in these end times and then find the diligence and responsibility to do something about it that is complementary to the goals of truth and freedom.

Jesus told the parable of the minas in Luke 19. A nobleman gave a mina (which is equivalent to three months of wages) to each of ten of his bondservants and told them to “Engage in business until I come.” You may remember the parable. One bondservant engaged and turned one mina into ten and another bondservant engaged in business as well and turned one mina into five. The nobleman praised both of these bondservants. But one bondservant did not engage. Instead, he claimed he feared the nobleman and hid the mina away in a handkerchief. He pretended loyalty to the nobleman by returning the single mina to him. The nobleman condemned him by using this bondservant’s own confession of non-engagement and pronounced him a wicked bondservant. This was not the result of a bondservant who chose to be proactively wicked, but who simply chose to do nothing.

“To complete your mission, you must pray for God’s help and appeal to His mercy.”

I added this because of the utter dependence we all must have on the help and mercy of God needed to search for the truth.  The more distortions that exist (and the more people who believe the distortions) the harder it is to navigate the information and the narratives that exist around us. Dependence on God and His Word is why we must become independent of other influences in our world as it is becoming obvious others want to do our thinking for us.

“As always, should you be discounted by those who hold the truth at arm’s length you may be forced to stand alone. But stand you must.”

Sadly, we cannot assume our search for truth and freedom will be valued by everyone. And, this, of course, is an age-old problem. There are always those who are okay with the status quo, even if it is built on faulty foundations.

Because comfort and conformity often win the battle over truth then truth is kept at a manageable distance or denied altogether. This idea of searching for truth rocks the boat too much and then becomes just too scary a proposition. This means that the truth (or even searching for it) has to take a back seat or, in many cases, be trashed completely. So, if you or I come along with the simple challenge to temporarily put away preconceptions, presuppositions, and presumptions, (and actually do some independent research and get involved in objective debate) all in the name of searching for the truth, then we might just be canceled, censored, or ignored and maybe even scorned and persecuted. If you haven’t already noticed, these demeaning practices are finding new expression in our world today. When this kind of adversarial reality develops then those who intend to continue their search for the truth must find the resolve to do it anyway, even if they must do it alone. 

“Freedom will prove the ultimate evidence that truth was allowed to have its way.”

This phrase serves as our axiom; the universal principle that is built from a very simple and powerful statement of Jesus. “You will know the truth. And the truth will set you free.” To the degree that truth takes its place in a culture is the degree to which that culture experiences freedom and liberty. To the degree that truth is quenched or manipulated in a culture is the degree to which that culture experiences tyranny and control. 

“This mission will self-destruct if ignored or forgotten.”

For people who love truth and freedom, I really don’t think this mission is optional. To forget the mission or ignore it or pretend it doesn’t exist is to passively let other philosophies and ideologies proactively take over to our destruction.

As you may have already noticed. I do not call this mission impossible, but mission possible. You know your history: The mission of truth and freedom worked well in the 1700s when the tyranny of a ruling nation was cast off by the leaders of a new nation. That new nation of 13 colonies wasn’t perfect but they embraced truth-based principles that obtained and then maintained freedom for nearly two and half centuries. There is no reason to put such success in jeopardy by doing anything less than reestablishing truth as our guiding light from sea to shining sea.


Godspeed is usually capitalized and is an expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey.

Allow me, please, to give you my good wishes as you travel this journey toward truth and freedom. 

So, Dear Friends, Godspeed.

I’m Tammy Reneé. And this is Mission Possible: Truth and Freedom

“Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!”
– 1 Corinthians 6:3

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
– Galatians 5:1

Announcer: Freedom will prove the ultimate evidence that truth was allowed to have its way. This mission will self-destruct if ignored or forgotten. Godspeed.


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